As early as the person in mentally able to handle it. Ballet is tough, and is mentally draining. The reason they should start at early as possible is so they can get their turnout and flexibility before they stop growing. The later someone starts, the harder it is going to be for them to develop good technique and turnout. I personally started at 2.5 y/o and I've seen others really struggle that started age 9 or 10
When is the best time to start to train for ballet?events
Age 4
When is the best time to start to train for ballet?home theatre opera theater
well before the show.
The best time to start ballet is 5 or 6 years old. That's when I started because when you start later your bones are already formed and you don't have the same flexibility with the one that started in their childhood.
As early as you can! I started when I was 8.
Anytime before your teen years, of course, you CAN start in your teen years, but when you start younger, typically you have a better performance.
You start training en pointe no earlier than age 11.
So get started training! Good luck!
About when your five years old, then your kids won't only be good behaved they will have a talent that could possibly put them though college.
4 years old.
I've heard and read that NEVER is to late to start ballet .
Generally any age before 10 is a good age for children, but really it doesnt matter unless you are looking to be a professional dancer. If you are an adult who wishes to dance, ANY time is good. Its Great excercise and super fun!
age really doesn't matter, any time really i've known ppl 2 start at age 2 and ppl who have started at age 45! i mean it really doesn't matter as long as yr willing 2 dedicate yrslef! :)
For kids, I'd say age 6-7 depending on how well they are motivated. As for adults...I'm 56, taking ballet classes and have danced as a background dancer in several productions.
Alligator you need to let of thee stress at school and start acting your age!! im sry 4 whateva i did, and i think you should wait til' you can go in a full split and til' your muscles are fully grown!!
sry bout dat,
some1 young as possible really. I just started ballet and I'm 14, and it's pretty difficult because I'm not as flexible as many of the girls in my class. I'm doing okay because I have previous dance experience, but it's taking a lot of work. On the other hand, one of my friends has been doing ballet since she is 3 and since she started so early, she is extremely good at it and has been en pointe for a few years now. Basically, starting as young as possible is the best option, but if you're willing to work hard, you can start at any age.
3 yrs. old.
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