Saturday, December 5, 2009

What are good ways to get back into shape for ballet?

I am 5'5 16 and 210 lbs. I want to start dancing again, but I am not sure if my body right now can handle the stress. What are some good methods of exerice to help my body get back into the shape for dance ? We have a dance class at my school, but I can't enroll until next year b/c the class has already started. Is this enough time to train to get ready for dancing? Can I dance now? Is it wrong for over weight teens to dance ? Has there ever been over weight dancers?

What are good ways to get back into shape for ballet?plays

It's easier for a fit dancer to dance....but over weight or not its still 100% possible. I have a cousin who is over weight and has danced ballet tap and jazz since she was 3. She is now 21. She is an AMAZING dancer and I really look up to her for it. She even teaches lessons adults and kids and is a great choreographer, she's worked really hard to get where she is though. It's hard no matter who you are. She's trying to get in shape right now actually too. She walks every day and is careful about what she eats. My dance teacher says that while body builders are in shape, their muscles are really bulky and ballet dancers want tone muscles not bulky ones. Dancers are also very flexible and have a lot of strength in their arms, stomach, legs and basically the whole body. I would suggest doing a cardi workout like walking or running around the block a few times. Its winter and its getting going up and down stairs also works well, so does a tredmill if you have one. Or you could just run in place...there's a lot of different cardio stuff you could do. Even jump rope. Then after a few minutes do some stretching. ten minutes at least a day should do. Be very careful not to pull anything! Drink a lot of water because it will give you energy and keep you hydrated. Don't eat any less then you do now, just eat healthier. So like it you want a snack instead of having chips have applesause or some carrots. continue to eat lunch and dinner and try to sneak in something (even a cereal bar on the way to school) in the morning.

heres a link with a good workout

What are good ways to get back into shape for ballet?opera ticket opera theater

well, first start watching what you eat, I'm not saying starve yourself, instead of milk and cookies, try a bagel and a banana. if you can't run to save your life, start walking, start with a mile, and move one after a week, after you feel strong enough, run half a mile, little by little you'll start improving. dedication and motivation will get you out of this one.
Get your booty in class as often as you can! Just make sure not to go on releve for the first week or so, then as you build up your muscle strenght you can releve little by little.

Okay if there are no other classes you can take till next year, get a pilates DVD or the Ballet Workout by NYC Ballet.

Lastly, yes you can dance, don't worry about your weigh, just enjoy it!
Weight is not as imprtant to dance as muscle and strength is. If you do some strength training or excercise videos (abdominals and such) i think you will find that getting in shape is much easier. Muscle strenth is key for ballet!

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